5 Tips on Casting for Skill, Sustainability and Sanity

Whether you’re producing a web series, a stage play, a movie or a bootstrapped startup, the most important decision you’ll ever make is this:

“Whom should I surround myself with?”

During production, your cast becomes your family. You’ll love them, you’ll hate them, you’ll argue with them and you’ll be forever in their debt — and, by the time you’re done, they’ll all feel the same way about you.

Since August, I’ve been producing The Baristas for a January 2011 release. And while a handful of actors are crossing over from their 6-year run on Something to Be Desired, the vast majority of the faces I’ve surrounded myself with are brand new. In essence, I’ve known some of these people for less than a week and I’ve already entrusted them with the future of both my creation and your viewing pleasure.

Am I crazy?

No. I just have gut instincts, common sense, and the unsettling ability to divorce myself emotionally from whatever’s in front of me at the time.

Here are 5 tips on how I used those traits to assemble a cast I believe in*.

Continue reading 5 Tips on Casting for Skill, Sustainability and Sanity

Our Kickstarter Funding Was a Success!

Hey folks! As you probably know, we raised $3000 on Kickstarter to help launch The Baristas. That project ended at 12:20 EST today, which means the project is a go!

If you donated to the project, thank you! We look forward to rewarding you with hours of caffeinated mirth in the weeks and months to come.

(And if you didn’t donate to the project, it’s okay. We still like you. Plus, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to show your support as the series grows.)

So feel free to bookmark or subscribe to this blog, where we’ll be posting updates on our production, promotion and design as we sail on to our 2011 launch date. And if you need your daily dose of humor, don’t forget that the baristas (and their customers) are on Twitter, where they’re oversharing, embarrassing and causing all sorts of problems.

The Baristas: Comedy, with room for cream.