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I’m probably the only one…but I totally subscribed via Zune earlier this year (just imported the RSS feed).
You may be the first person we’ve ever met who actually owns a Zune. We’re simultaneously flattered and mystified, because this is a lot like finding proof of extraterrestrial life. What are the colors like in your world, Mike? Do they have skies and mountains there?
Well, I’m crazy, even without the Zune. Things rotate between multi-colored stripes, grayscale and bright psychodelics. Depends on the music that’s playing (usually in my head).
In all honesty though, it’s a shame Zune didn’t catch on. The software is leaps and bounds ahead of iTunes (and just in memory usage alone, not even talking about the really cool data/now playing screens they have), and the sharing features of the harware are awesome. Not to mention that Zune has always had wirelss sync, a new feature of iPods. But I digress, they lost the battle, I just hope mine doesn’t die anytime soon!
Isn’t that always what happens? Betamax beat VHS in quality but lost in public opinion. Sega was objectively a better gaming system than Nintendo, but Nintendo was more popular. People prefer brands they can hug.
This is why we need to dress Sam in a bear suit.